Welcome to Curious Quill, an original content resource for d20 roleplaying.
The Quill has spent time describing people and beasts of the world, but these are just creatures for the player characters to encounter. Developing a character you want to play, using the existing rules, can seem difficult. Follow the posts this season and the character tag for tips and recommendations on making unique characters.
Elf Attire
Elves wear many layers of light cloth in combinations of tight and flowing forms. The color of their cloth follows that of the their skin and hair, but often in contrast - if they are pale of color their clothes are deep and dark, if dark in coloring their clothes are pale.
Read More about elven fashion.
Elven Spring Festival
Like their kin the dwarves, the elves of Taluma have two primary celebrations throughout the year: to celebrate the advancement of the year and to honor their tutelary deities. In the case of elves these are Luna and Stel, the Lady and Lord of the moon and the stars, and the elements of water and air, respectively. They occur in Spring and Autumn. At the Spring festival, the celebrate the winds of Stel blowing away the last cold of winter with warm breezes and the rebirth of plants and other life..
Read More about the spring festival of rebirth.
Elven Beverages: Tea
Elves seem to eat less but drink more than other races, perhaps because they are children of Moon-Queen Luna, the lady of water. They make teas and infusions, warm and cold, which they drink throughout the day. These beverages often have medicinal purposes in addition to hydration.
Read More about the elven teas.
Elf Stands
Elves typically live in wooded areas, obscured by the trees and with the resources of the forest at their disposal. They seek to protect and preserve these wildlands as much as they are protected by them. These settlements are called Stands.
Read More about the elven Stands.
Elven Branches
Elves settle in communities called stands, but many elves are itinerant and travel the land, never settling in one place. They travel alone or in small groups, but also in larger groups that often have a familial relation. These are called branches.
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New Feat: Hearthzeal
A dwarven runeforger can learn to channel their comradeship with others to bolster their own health. The more allies they are surrounded by in close proximity the heartier they become. This runeforger technique is called Hearthzeal and can be taken as a Feat..
Read More about the Hearthzeal Feat available only to dwarf runeforgers.
Background: Runeforger
Runeforgers master their mind and body through the pursuit of runic traditions that focus their will. They learn to speak to and understand the very elements, especially earth and fire, and weave that knowledge into runes carved in metal, stone, or wood. .
Read More about the Runeforger Background.
The Khabba Plant
Khabba is a plant used by the dwarves of Taluma. It is considered a weed by others, but chips of the root are toasted and used to brew a warm beverage that provides energy.
Read More about khabba root.
Dwarves & Smoking
Dwarven holds are filled with smoke, and not just from the fires of hearths and forges, torches and candles. A large amount of it comes from the pipes they are fond of smoking.
Read More about dwarven and smoking.