Elven Branches

Elves settle in communities called stands, but many elves are itinerant and travel the land, never settling in one place. They travel alone or in small groups, but also in larger groups that often have a familial relation. These are called branches. An elven branch may be named after an ancestor, a leader, a place of origin like a forest.

The Moonshadow branch of elves in Taluma reside in the Ebonwald Forest in Gaithewaite, located on the peninsula of Graywall Point, East of the human port town of Tormorant. They are mostly moon elves, with a few star elves. The Ebonwald is a small, ancient copse of black spruce which have midnight blue needles and dark purple, almost black, cones. The tall trees and the mist from the Ciminy Sea make the woods perpetually dark and the Moonshadow elves use that darkness to their benefit. The woods are said to be haunted by the spirits of elves, though it is in fact the living Moonshadow elves who stalk the woods, unseen by others. They protect the ancient trees from any further deforestation by the men from Tormorant, attempting first to scare humans away, but if necessary using force to defend their home and the sacred trees found nowhere else in Taluma.

The Moonshadow elves typically have white hair, and they uniquely wear black or dark gray clothes to help them blend in with the dark environment of the Ebonwald.


Elf Stands


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