The Gods of Taluma

The Pantheon of gods in Taluma encompasses ten primary beings including seven greater deities, two intermediate deities, and one Great Old One. There are other divine beings worshiped by mortals across the land, but these are lesser beings usually tied to a small community or a specific sphere of influence, and often are just a particular avatar of one of the greater deities, otherwise they are likely a mortal exalted to divine status as a hero of their people.

Of the seven greater deities, there are two divisions: the Luminaeries and the Caelestine. The Luminaeries are a divine couple and their son whose worship is the largest faith of Taluma mostly due to being the faith of most human nations. The Caelestine is a group of four gods each representing one of the four elements who are the guardians of the rifafolk: the dwarves and elves; their worship by humans versus the Luminaeries is considered primitive, even heathen practice that is profane to the Luminaeries.

The Dawn of the Gods

Sezsezkya - the Great Old One - was the first, the sleeper in the darkness, the aether. It thrived in the dark, as it slumbered and dreamed its dreams became reality. It dreamed of children and thus were made Tryysta and Kjoldre, the bright ones to illuminate the darkness, the Luminaeries. Awakened by the light of the Luminaeries, Sezsezkya was crazed, its mind was not conducive to wakefulness. Seszsezkya in his mania would attack his own creations. They would hide from their creator, but then it would sleep and dream and manifest new things that often were chaotic and abominable.
Eventually, the Caelestine had a child, a daughter named Eosta. To protect her, the three continued to hide until she matured. In order to watch over Esota and keep the of Sezsezkya at bay, they split their time, apart from each other except when they would pass protection to the other, creating Day and Night: Tryysta’s and Kjoldra’s shifts respectively. During that time the aether became a realm of pure chaos. Along with Eosta, Tryysta and Kjoldre began to fight back, to try to make a home for themselves, a space of peace in the swirling chaos. They realized that though Sezsezkya was dangerous when awake, at least it did not dream. Tryysta and Kjoldre had three more children, in whom they the power of light and they were the sun, moon, and stars. These, together with Eosta, were the Caelestine, illuminating space so that not only day, but night is not fully dark.
Each Caelestine evoked a different energy, weaving the chaos of the aether into energy that matched their personality and created the four elements They gathered their element into sphere which became the celestial bodies. Eosta, queen of earth created Eost. Luna, queen of water, created the moon. Sol, king of fire, created the Sun. Stel, king of air created the Star. To create a home, Eosta invited her siblings to add their elements to her sphere of Eost: first adding weather (rain, lightning, and rain) then creating living things including plants and animals.

With the aether lit with the illumination of the Caelestine, Sezsezkya no longer had sanctuary there. It found it though on Eost, where pure darkness exists in the Deeps of the earth and the sea. Its minions followed, becoming beings beyond evil: the eerie, the ghastly, the alien things of the deeps that horrify mortals. Thus Sezsezkya became lord of the underworld and the depths of the sea.

The Luminaeries

The Luminaeries are a trinity of deities, two of which represent day and night, plus their youngest son. Tryysta and Kjoldre, day and night respectively, were the first beings created by the dreaming of Sezsezkya, the first divine beings from which all the rest of the immortals and mortals came from. They represent the many pairs of the world. They are called the Allemater and Allepater.

They had four children who were the Caelestine, and one more after. While the Caelestine represent the four elements, their last child is the fifth element - a new personification of the aether that was Sezsezkya’s realm. He is unnamed but is known as the Scion, the favored of Tryysta and Kjoldre. Together, the three form a trinity worshiped by most humans of Taluma above the Caelestine.

The faith of the Luminaeires is called Luminism. Many parishes honor both of the divine couple, but some parishes devote themselves to one or the other. For most of history, the Scion did not have his own parishes devoted to him, but in recent decades chapels in his name, singularly devoted to him have been founded.


Tryysta is the day, the mother. Her color is orange and she is adorned in gold.

The Domains of her priesthood are Light, Life, and Nature.


Kjoldre is the night, the father. His color is purple and he is adorned in silver.

The domains of his priesthood are Knowledge, Arcana and Trickery.

The Scion

The Scion is the fifth element, the quintessence, aether, the spirit or soul, which is the thunder in the storm. His color is indigo.

The Domains of his priesthood are Twilight, Grave, Order.

Sects of Luminism

In addition to the general theology of the pair and their individual spheres of influence, there are sects of priesthoods that are in charge of services, ceremonies and functions of the priesthood. Most community parishes are administered by the Prelacy, and the knights of the Luminaeryan faith are the leaders of the military and also take care of law enforcement.

  • The Prelacy is the administrative and ecclesiastical order of the Luminaeryan faith. The parish pastors are trained by and members of the Prelacy. The pastors are the leaders of the parish, leading the masses and performing ceremonies such as dedications, marriage, and funeral rites. The Prelates are the leaders of the Prelacy, there is one male and one female Prelate, one for each of the Luminaeries.

  • The Knights Luminaer or The Order of the Luminous Shield is the organization of holy warriors granted religious and even secular authority to enforce laws and lead the military and constabulary of Gaithewaite. The stars are said to be the souls of Luminists who died in battle.

  • The Church of the Lambent Crown is the rising denomination devoted to The Scion. They claim him as the patron of the human race specifically and they are unwelcoming of other people.

The Caelestine

The Caelestine are the children of the Luminaeries Tryysta and Kjoldre, but they are nearly equal in power. They each have domain over one of the four elements and their manifestation in the celestial spheres of the planet, sun, moon, and stars.

The rifafolk - dwarves and elves - primarily worship them as their patrons, as do some humans. But, though they are the children of the Luminaeries, their worship is seen as archaic, and in some Luminist parishes even as profane. It is certainly more primordial, more connected to nature and its signs and symbolism including beasts and plants, the weather, and the minerals of the world. Each Caelestine is recognized for dominion over those features as they relate to the four elements.

There are few known Caelestinist temples, few buildings constructed in their honor. Instead, they are worshiped at sacred sites or simple shrines where offerings are made and appeals made for assistance in their realms of influence.


Eosta is the Caelestine of the element of earth and Eost, the planet. Her color is green.

The Domains of her priesthood are Nature and Grave.

Time: Dusk
Mineral: Stone
Plants: Roots & Fungi
Beasts: Mammals
Storm Aspect: Ice (hail, snow)


Luna is the Caelestine of the element of water and the moon. Her color is blue.

The Domains of her priesthood are Arcana and Peace.

Time: Midnight
Mineral: Soil
Plants: Fruits & Greens
Beasts: Fish
Storm Aspect: Rain


Sol is the Caelestine of the element of fire and the sun. His color is red.

The Domains of his Priesthood are Forge and Light.

Time: Noon
Mineral: Metal
Plants: Herbs
Beasts: Reptiles
Storm Aspect: Lightning


Stel is the Caelestine of the element of air and the stars. His color is yellow.

The Domains of his priesthood are Knowledge and Tempest.

Time: Dawn
Mineral: Gems
Plants: Grains & flowers
Beasts: Birds
Storm Aspect: Wind

Intermediary Deities

The Intermediaries are deities that are between the greater gods and mortals. They may either be the children of a god with a mortal, or a mortal that has achieved true divinity - usually only granted by one of the Luminaeries. The two most well-known Intermediaries, the only two considered counted among the greater gods in their pantheon, represent one of each type.

Naera is the goddess of peace and her counterpart Challos is god of war.


Naera is an intermediate goddess, she was once a mortal Skaan who lived generations ago, and was elevated to full divinity by Tryysta to be the spirit of peace. She led an uprising of peasants against the monarchy which ended with the making of a government by the people with the nobility becoming mostly ceremonial. Her sacred color is rose.

The Domains of her priesthood are Peace and Order.


Challos is a demigod, the son of The Scion and an Aymirian mortal. His father empowered him with full divinity, making him the lord of war, one of the largest providers of souls to the afterlife. This includes the forging of weapons and armor, the instruments of war. His sacred color is gold.

The Domains of his priesthood are War and Forge.


Coming soon…

The Nemeses

The deities called the Nemeses are the ‘evil’ gods, the enemies of the Luminaeries and Caelestine and the civilized people of Taluma. From the origin of the cosmos and throughout the history of Taluma and all of Eost, they have been the malevolent and corrupting forces at odds with the civilized people of the world.

The Nemeses include the primordial, great weaver of chaos, the eldest being known as Sezsezkya and the savage, primeval beast Gwyven. Their devotees include the darkest, most savage and corrupt beings in the world.


Sezsezkya was the first being, born of the chaos into chaos. It’s very nature is inimical to the order that was required to set the energies in place to be able to become the reality of the world. That inherent opposition to order, the ‘good’, made it an enemy of the greater gods that would create and lead the world, and in turn through ages of fighting corrupted beyond simple chaos into true evil. Trapped in the deeps of Taluma, Sezsezkya works in secrecy to influence evil creatures of the world to do its bidding, always striving to find a way to release it from its prison.

Just as Sezsezkya works from the darkness, so do its followers. They are operate in clandestine organizations that seek to corrupt governments and even other faiths from within.

The Domains of its Priesthood are Arcana, Death, and Trickery.


Gwyven was the first beast, the beast of all beasts, created with all the qualities of all beasts that came after. Corrupted by Sezsezkya, she became the epitome of the savageness and danger of all of nature including not only monsters but the environment. While Sezsezkya operates from the shadows through patience and subtlety, Gwyven is a being of violence and brutality.

She counts among her followers the evil monsters and creatures of the world - mainly the hexen which includes goblins, hags, and trolls - as well as mortals who use violence to achieve their goals.

The Domains of her Priesthood are Nature, Tempest, and War.