The Curious Quill is a legendary relic, a sentient, magical quill that has served important sages and spellcasters over the centuries. It is said that everything written down in ink on paper is remembered by the quill, and if it so desires, it can be convinced to write down anything in its memory. This means that it has the knowledge of many of the wisest and most powerful people in history, which can be at the disposal of someone who picks up the quill. We have managed to do just that, and here you will find tidbits of information about the people and the history including the names, places, and things that have made an impact on the world.

Resources for DMs & Players Alike

Curious Quill Studios and The Chronicles of The Curious Quill provide resources for people playing the greatest rpg on earth, in many cases content flexible to be used in any fantasy role-playing game.

Whether you need a name for a character (player or NPC) or location, items found in a chest, or other lists of things you might encounter or need in a game session, we will be working to produce many different formats of content for both GMs and Players to use to enhance their role-playing experience. We will provide detailed descriptions of items, locations, and monsters; and will provide insights into the culture of the people of fantasy settings, the broader workings of spells, and more. Finally, we will be detailing our own original setting while we provide all these things to you. We understand you may or may not like our setting, so we will always make things flexible enough for you to use the content in other settings whether published or your own original one.

Dozens of Years of Fantasy RPG Experience

The creators of the Curious Quill have many years, many decades even, combined between two friends who have been playing the greatest rpg on earth since the 80s. 80 years in fact between the two of us. We have played every iteration of said fantasy rpg, each as players and GMs. Since the early days we have worked on our own ‘homebrew’ setting, and we now are ready to bring our decades of work to the public. As stated above, that will include content relative to our original setting, as well as generic fantasy world material, but either way it will be presented in a way for you to use in your own games.

We hope you find useful information here, and that it helps you enhance your experience whether playing or running a game.

— Peter Balistrieri & Kevin Frank

Where Curious Quill uses AI-generated artwork, we do so only in a responsible manner. We use professional tools that obtain the necessary consent from original creators and ensure that they are fairly compensated for their work used in training the image generators.