Elf Stands

Elves typically live in wooded areas, obscured by the trees and with the resources of the forest at their disposal. They seek to protect and preserve these wildlands as much as they are protected by them. These settlements are called Stands.
Stands are almost always near a body of water: a lake or pond, river or creek, or the shore of a sea or ocean; and in addition to the settlement there will often be found a sacred grove nearby, the places of worship of elves.

The elf stand in Ebonwald

Ebonwald Stand

The Moonshadow elf branch of Taluma has a Stand in the Ebonwald forest. This settlement lies on a small creek that winds its way through the forest. The stand is their home, but also a base from which they roam the forest, protecting the small remaining woods from intrusion and lumbering by the humans in nearby Tormorant and Greenburg.

The elves do not cut down trees so its buildings are wattle and daub construction using only branches that have fallen and mud from the shores of the creek. The roofs are thatched with the needle-filled black spruce branches. From a distance, with no lights, it blends in with the surrounding trees. They only light fires and candles at dawn and dusk so that at night the stand is pitch black.


Ability Modifiers: Sleight of Hand


Elven Branches