Ability Modifiers: Sleight of Hand

In the Ability Modifiers feature, we will be exploring Ability checks: mostly Skills, and how to modify, or enhance, their usage in gameplay. This time, we will take a look at how Sleight of Hand can be achieved even with a low Dexterity.

Sleight of Hand falls under Dexterity in the list of skills, assuming that the character will be using a deft hand to perform manual trickery. Of course, being able to be quick and delicate with your hands would help you be proficient at legerdemain, but distraction can be just as helpful. Keeping someone’s attention so they don’t notice you are switching glasses with them, or a partner is removing their pouch can be an effective strategy.

A player being creative should be able to ask the DM, or the DM should make the call, to use a different Ability to perform Sleight of Hand, namely Charisma in these types of scenarios. But wait, why isn’t this just Performance? Well, just as Charisma is used differently with Intimidation or Persuasion, so too is it different enough here. You aren't trying to do an artistic performance, or even act like someone else, you are mostly just trying to distract them, divert their attention away from the actual act of legerdemain. This is a common tactic in magic tricks which, while also classified as legerdemain, are often achieved by causing the audience to look at something else while you the magician performs the trick.

Simply use the Charisma modifier and add Proficiency or Expertise the character has in the skill.

We don’t think the man on the right will notice any Sleight of Hand while being distracted by the elfess.


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