Background: Runeforger

Prerequisite: Dwarf lineage 

Runeforgers master their mind and body through the pursuit of runic traditions that focus their will. They learn to speak to and understand the very elements, especially earth and fire, and weave that knowledge into runes carved in metal, stone, or wood. Selecting the Runeforger background can inform much of the rest of character creation and development including helping guide selections and adding flavor to proficiencies, feats, classes, even spells.

A dwarf runeforger practicing his craft.

Use the Custom Background option to create a runeforger.

Skill Proficiencies: Choose 1 from Acrobatics or Athletics and 1 from: Arcana, History, Insight, Religion
Tool Proficiency: Choose 1 from: Mason’s tools, Smith’s tools, Woodcarver’s tools.
Languages: Choose 1 from Giant, Primordial
Equipment: A set of artisan’s tools with which you are proficient, a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing 15 gp.
Suggested Characteristics: select Acolyte options or add your own.
Feature: Runeforger Initiate
You gain the Martial Adept feat and gain access to Runeforger Feats as well as the ability to take the Rune Shaper Feat without a Spellcasting feature.
Recommended Maneuvers that emulate runeforger techniques include: Commanding Presence, Disarming Attack, Evasive Footwork, Feinting Attack, Goading Attack, Grappling Strike, Lunging Attack, Parry, Precision Attack, Pushing Attack, Riposte, Tactical Assessment, Trip Attack

We will be providing even more in depth information about playing a runeforger character soon.

Runeforger Feats

These are new Feats available only to dwarven runeforgers.


New Feat: Hearthzeal


The Khabba Plant