Welcome to Curious Quill, an original content resource for d20 roleplaying.

The Quill has spent time describing people and beasts of the world, but these are just creatures for the player characters to encounter. Developing a character you want to play, using the existing rules, can seem difficult. Follow the posts this season and the character tag for tips and recommendations on making unique characters.

Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

New Feat: Hearthzeal

A dwarven runeforger can learn to channel their comradeship with others to bolster their own health. The more allies they are surrounded by in close proximity the heartier they become. This runeforger technique is called Hearthzeal and can be taken as a Feat..

Read More about the Hearthzeal Feat available only to dwarf runeforgers.

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Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

Background: Runeforger

Runeforgers master their mind and body through the pursuit of runic traditions that focus their will. They learn to speak to and understand the very elements, especially earth and fire, and weave that knowledge into runes carved in metal, stone, or wood. .

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Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

The Khabba Plant

Khabba is a plant used by the dwarves of Taluma. It is considered a weed by others, but chips of the root are toasted and used to brew a warm beverage that provides energy.

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Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

Dwarves & Smoking

Dwarven holds are filled with smoke, and not just from the fires of hearths and forges, torches and candles. A large amount of it comes from the pipes they are fond of smoking.

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Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

Sunsreach Peak

Sunsreach is the site of pilgrimages by dwarves who try to reach the peak as it is the closest they can get to the sun which they worship as the celestial manifestation of the element of fire. Due to its height alone it is one of the most difficult climbs, and dwarves who attempt it do so with as little gear as they can to prove their worthiness. Those that make the climb are given the title Soltouched..

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Kevin Frank Kevin Frank

New Feat: Earthroot

Dwarves who learn and master the Earthroot form gain the ability to focus their will and resolve into fixing themselves in place to make them immovable. Dwarf players can select this as a Feat to enhance their combat abilities..

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Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

Dwarf Attire

Dwarven clothing is mostly made of wool and leather, or even burlap. Rougher materials do not irritate their tougher skin and stand up to the abuse given them by the toil of dwarven life.

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Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

Dwarven Winter Festival

The dwarves of Taluma have two primary celebrations throughout the year, celebrating the advancement of the year, but more importantly honoring their tutelary deities Sol and Eosta, the Lord and Lady of the sun and Eost, the planet: fire and earth. They occur at the beginning and midpoint of what the dwarves consider a year, starting with the rise of the sun on the winter solstice and the midway point of the summer solstice.

Read More about the winter solstice festival.

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Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

Dwarf Beverages

Though dwarves are known for consumption of ale, there are actually few dwarven brews, instead they purchase barrels from humans and they drink it like water - to them it is a ‘soft’ drink, and even youth drink it seemingly unaffected by its low alcohol content. They make their own spirits from other sources than grain.

Read More about dwarven beverages.

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