Welcome to Curious Quill, an original content resource for d20 roleplaying.

This season, we are focusing on smalfolk. Many worlds have their own smalfolk such as gnomes and halflings. The little people of Taluma are called urchins We will be detailing their culture and traditions. You will find entries on things like their locations, festivals, attire, and privisions.

Follow the urchin tag to read all the entries about them.

Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

Background: Battledancer

The Way of the Sash is rooted in an ancient, sacred martial tradition that uses the movements of dance to be nimble and evasive combatants. Practitioners of this tradition are called battledancers. Battledancers are difficult to hit and outlast their opponents energy until they make themselves open to the battledancer’s attacks.

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Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

Background: Runeforger

Runeforgers master their mind and body through the pursuit of runic traditions that focus their will. They learn to speak to and understand the very elements, especially earth and fire, and weave that knowledge into runes carved in metal, stone, or wood. .

Read More about the Runeforger Background.

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