Elven Spring Festival

Like their kin the dwarves, the elves of Taluma have two primary celebrations throughout the year: to celebrate the advancement of the year and to honor their tutelary deities. In the case of elves these are Luna and Stel, the Lady and Lord of the moon and the stars, and the elements of water and air, respectively. They occur in Spring and Autumn. At the Spring festival, the celebrate the rains of Luna washing away the last traces of winter and inducing the rebirth of plants and other life.

Preparations for the Spring festival start early, when winter is just starting to thaw. While many people tap maple trees when the sap starts running, elves tap birch trees instead. They use the sap to make syrup similar to maple syrup, but they also use it for birch water. Birch syrup is darker, richer, and more complex with spicy notes. They drink the birch water straight up, use it as a base for teas, and also ferment it into birch beer to which they often add mint or ginger and is a good digestive tonic.

Hares are sacred animals of Luna and thus are common symbols of the Spring festival, especially since they mate at this time. Eggs are also symbols of the holiday, representing many wild birds’ nesting and mating season as well. Egg painting and decorating is a common tradition, with some elven Branches even holding competitions. They decorate with the flowers of early Spring which are mainly purple, white and yellow - a color combination that informs the rest of their decorations such as ribbons, flags, and candles.

Elves forage for the earliest wild crops including dandelions, ramps, fern heads, wild asparagus and many varieties of mushrooms.

Elves enjoy dance and song during the Spring festival.

The Spring Feast

Elves hold a feast of their foraging finds and birch water and beer. They start at dawn and celebrate in the morning. They celebrate with song and dance, reveling in the rebirth of life out of the cold and lifeless winter. New endeavors are often announced and started at the time of the Spring feast, Star elves who may have camped for winter due to the difficulty of travel set out on their migrations for the upcoming year and Moon elves may use this day to set out exploring on the sea.

A typical spread at an elf Spring feast.


Elf Attire


Elven Beverages: Tea