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This season, we are focusing on smalfolk. Many worlds have their own smalfolk such as gnomes and halflings. The little people of Taluma are called urchins We will be detailing their culture and traditions. You will find entries on things like their locations, festivals, attire, and privisions.

Follow the urchin tag to read all the entries about them.

Kevin Frank Kevin Frank

New Feat: Way of the Sash

Elves are agile and graceful people who love music and dance. Their flowing movements are often enhanced using lengths of cloth including ribbons and scarves or cloaks that mimic the wind and wave they are connected to. Some elves learn to use these items of clothing in combat, becoming able to defend themselves without any weapon. This study is known as the Way of the Sash.

Read More about the Way of the Sash Feat.

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Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

Elven Spring Festival

Like their kin the dwarves, the elves of Taluma have two primary celebrations throughout the year: to celebrate the advancement of the year and to honor their tutelary deities. In the case of elves these are Luna and Stel, the Lady and Lord of the moon and the stars, and the elements of water and air, respectively. They occur in Spring and Autumn. At the Spring festival, the celebrate the winds of Stel blowing away the last cold of winter with warm breezes and the rebirth of plants and other life..

Read More about the spring festival of rebirth.

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Kevin Frank Kevin Frank

New Feat: Earthroot

Dwarves who learn and master the Earthroot form gain the ability to focus their will and resolve into fixing themselves in place to make them immovable. Dwarf players can select this as a Feat to enhance their combat abilities..

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Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

Dwarven Winter Festival

The dwarves of Taluma have two primary celebrations throughout the year, celebrating the advancement of the year, but more importantly honoring their tutelary deities Sol and Eosta, the Lord and Lady of the sun and Eost, the planet: fire and earth. They occur at the beginning and midpoint of what the dwarves consider a year, starting with the rise of the sun on the winter solstice and the midway point of the summer solstice.

Read More about the winter solstice festival.

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