New Feat: Way of the Sash

Elves are agile and graceful people who love music and dance. Their flowing movements are often enhanced using lengths of cloth including ribbons and scarves or cloaks that mimic the wind and wave they are connected to. Some elves learn to use these items of clothing in combat, becoming able to defend themselves without any weapon. This study is known as the Way of the Sash*.

Sash combat is taught to performers and ambassadors, people that may often be found in situations where they are unarmed but may be attacked and need to defend themselves. They use the cloth to distract their opponent, and also learn to use it to wrap up arms or legs to entangle and trip them. They then can use the opponents own mass against them, redirecting them away and out of their range to attack back.

Thelandara Moonshadow defeats a Frost Giant

Tales tell of the day when Thelandara Moonshadow, a Battledancer moon elf, singlehandedly defeated a frost giant. Thelandara was a renowned leader of elves, known for her grace and energy. A master of the Way of the Sash and an elite Battledancer, she was nearly impossible to strike.

Her skills were tested when a frost giant came down from the mountains one especially cold winter and threatened to destroy her entire stand. Thelandara faced the giant alone, holding him off for hours while her people fled. Dancing around him, the giant was only able to hit her a few times with his ax. Their flight lasted almost an entire night, but eventually her boundless energy wore him down as she whittled away with her black sash, distracting him and frustrating him until he was simply too tired to continue. She felled the icy giant with one final evasive dance, when he collapsed, exhausted, to the ground.

Thelandara vs. a Frost Giant

*You can find the Way of the Sash Feat in Homebrew creations in DDB.


Grandyew Isle


Elf Attire