Welcome to Curious Quill, an original content resource for d20 roleplaying.
The Quill has spent time describing people and beasts of the world, but these are just creatures for the player characters to encounter. Developing a character you want to play, using the existing rules, can seem difficult. Follow the posts this season and the character tag for tips and recommendations on making unique characters.
Orc Eidol-Stones
Though orcs of Taluma honor Gwyven above all god’s, they do worship all of them. In addition to the primary gods, they also honor other spirits, eidolons, immortals with transcendental power. The different people of Taluma have different eidolons: such as the exemplars of Luministic humans. They do not build temples or even smaller shrines, instead they worship their eidolons at monoliths called eidol-stones.
Read More about eidol-stones.
Urchin Offering Altars
Down alleys and in the hidden spots of cities, you can find small altars or shrines with sacks, pots, and boxes of food, clothing, toys, and other goods. These are urchin offering altars, where goods are left not for the gods or exemplars or even tutelary spirits, but for their kin..
Read More about the urchin offering altars.
Grandyew Isle
In the Maessus Ocean, off the shores of Lokkland, there lies an island with a single, gigantic yew tree. One of its enormous branches seems to be reaching back towards the land, and its roots cover the entire rock-covered island.
Read More about the Isle of the Grandyew.
Sunsreach Peak
Sunsreach is the site of pilgrimages by dwarves who try to reach the peak as it is the closest they can get to the sun which they worship as the celestial manifestation of the element of fire. Due to its height alone it is one of the most difficult climbs, and dwarves who attempt it do so with as little gear as they can to prove their worthiness. Those that make the climb are given the title Soltouched..
Read More about Sunsreach Peak.
Creating A Dwarf Hold
With the tables we have shared so far, it is easy to quickly create a dwarf hold. Use this template to get started, then expand from there
Dwarven Hold Names
Dwarven communties, called Holds, like their clans, can be named after its founder or leader. Since they are long-lasting, though, and can persist longer than generations of even the long-lived dwarves, they are more likely to be named after other features such as its industry (a forge), or where it is located (the mountain it is built into).
Read More for names of Holds you can use in your game.