Creating A Dwarf Hold

It is easy to quickly create a dwarf hold. Use this template to get started, then expand from there. Click on the links to access tables for each name/word to replace.

The dwarven hold of [hold names] is home to the [clan names] clan. They are led by Maester [dwarven leader name].

For example:

The dwarven hold of Valor’s Gate is home to the Stoneypride clan. They are led by Maester Ivginni Stoneborne.

Then using names you rolled or picked, you can expand on that. The Maester’s and clan’s name both are stone, so one or the other was likely named after the other. Let’s say that the clan was named after Master Stoneborne’s pride: Stoneypride. The hold is called Valor’s Gate, what is the gate to or from? I see this from the name as a location of a battle maybe, where are an opening, or gate, the dwarves showed valor in combat. The gate leads to their undermountain hold. Since their clan name is related to stone, vs. a metal, the mine of this hold is focused more on an important stone: granite or marble maybe?


Ability Modifiers: Intimidation


Dwarf Clan Names