Ability Modifiers: Intimidation

In the Ability Modifiers feature, we will be exploring Ability checks: mostly Skills, and how to modify, or enhance, their usage in gameplay. This time, we will take a look at how the Intimidation skill can be used in different ways beyond the Charisma-based proficiency detailed in the basic rules.

Intimidation falls under Charisma in the list of skills, linking it to having a commanding presence. This makes sense when guile is involved, but what about when a character wants to intimidate another with their physical might or even their adroitness with a weapn, threatening harm to another? If a character wants to show how strong they are and the punishment they can deal out - or take - or how skilled they are with a weapon, like throwing daggers or shooting arrows in proximity to striking them, does Charisma make sense to use? We say no.

A player being creative should be able to ask the DM, or the DM should make the call, to use a different Ability to Intimidate another. A player may use Strength for example if they break something, or show their physique, to hint at the damage they could do to their target. Dexterity could be used for a trick shot display where they display that they could very well hit their target. Intelligence or Wisdom could be used if they have insight or knowledge of their target’s secrets and would reveal them. Even Constitution could be used if the character did something like holding a torch up to their hand to show how long they can endure it’s flame.

Simply use the alternate Ability’s modifier and add Proficiency or Expertise the character has in the skill.

This dwarf warrior should be able to use Strength with her Intimidation checks.


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