Urchins & Dogs
Almost all the civilized people welcome dogs into their society and communities, even being considered part of the family in many cases. But dogs are especially important to the urchins. with their various sizes, temperaments, and instincts, dogs serve many roles within urchin society. In reality, the dogs serve more than one function, almost always being a companion and if not they may serve as a guard and a mount or draft animal.
Most dogs that live with urchins are what would be considered mutts or mongrels. Urchins are not concerned with the lineages of the hounds and since they are multi-functional contributors, breeding for one specific trait or talent is counterproductive.
Small dogs such as terriers serve as companions for individuals, families and even entire burrows, and they are used as ratters and guardians. Medium dogs, which can be nearly as big as an urchin, like collies, hounds and spaniels are used to guard burrows, and herd rabbits and hunt them in the wild. Large dog breeds, which are often larger than an urchin, are typically used as draft animals - they are ridden as mounts, and can carry packs or pull carts, or do work like plowing.
Urchin Draft Dogs
Some of the big folk use dogs to pull carts or do other work, but only the urchins use them as true draft animals as others use horse, mules and oxen or other large beasts. Riding dogs is especially unique to urchins because of their size - only they are small enough to ride the largest of dogs. The advantage canine mounts give to urchins is being useful for more than just riding or packing supplies. They can also guard the urchin or their wares, they can help hunt, or search and track.
With the value urchins placed on their dogs, including those used as mounts, it is not uncommon to see them equipped with barding or armor. In the case that their mount would get attacked, or go into melee themselves, giving them some protection against blows at the expense of some mobility is acceptable and preferred. This barding is typically made of leather plates to remain light and flexible versus metal.
Because of their close connection with their hounds, urchins can use their Charisma instead of Wisdom for Animal Handling checks, especially when riding one.
An urchin riding a dog