Welcome to Curious Quill, an original content resource for d20 roleplaying.

The Quill has spent time describing people and beasts of the world, but these are just creatures for the player characters to encounter. Developing a character you want to play, using the existing rules, can seem difficult. Follow the posts this season and the character tag for tips and recommendations on making unique characters.

Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

Orc Beverages: Yogg

Orcs seldom have had the time and space to brew alcoholic beverages like ale or distill harder alcohol. They do make single vessel beverages that just need yeast like wine or mead with honey easier to gather than finding grapes when on the move. The most common, and most cultural thing they drink is fermented milk which they call yogg.

Read More about the orcisch yogg.

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Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

Elven Beverages: Tea

Elves seem to eat less but drink more than other races, perhaps because they are children of Moon-Queen Luna, the lady of water. They make teas and infusions, warm and cold, which they drink throughout the day. These beverages often have medicinal purposes in addition to hydration.

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Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

The Khabba Plant

Khabba is a plant used by the dwarves of Taluma. It is considered a weed by others, but chips of the root are toasted and used to brew a warm beverage that provides energy.

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Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

Dwarf Beverages

Though dwarves are known for consumption of ale, there are actually few dwarven brews, instead they purchase barrels from humans and they drink it like water - to them it is a ‘soft’ drink, and even youth drink it seemingly unaffected by its low alcohol content. They make their own spirits from other sources than grain.

Read More about dwarven beverages.

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