Elves & Swimming

In a typical fantasy world, including Taluma, swimming is not a common recreational activity. It is usually more for bathing or survival if thrown overboard. A few cultures dive for resources from the sea like coral or shellfish. Some may sun on the beach and go into the water to cool off or bathe. There are pools and bathhouses but again these are usually for soaking or bathing and not recreational or competitive swimming. Humans and orcs may practice in case of emergency to user their strength and endurance to swim while dwarves try to avoid water altogether.

The elves, however, are known to swim for the fun of it. Their connection to Water-Queen Luna and her element of water instills in them a love for the water.

Those that witness elves swimming in rough waters marvel at their ability to swim in even the worst of conditions. Other people don’t understand how the smaller and ‘weaker’ elves manage to traverse the waves. Elves use their knowledge of waterways of all kinds, the waves, tides, as well as the wind and their lithe bodies to their advantage swimming more like a fish than a humanoid. A GM can allow an elf character to use Acrobatics, Nature, or Survival instead of Athletics to swim.

An elf swimming in the ocean

Elf Swimming Competitions

The elves of Taluma, especially Moon elves, not only swim for fun, but compete against each other or just themselves and the sea. These are not usually speed competitions, but distance. Landmarks like an island may be swam to, or they take a ship out and swim back to land. They also hold swim dancing competitions judged on their artistry in the water. In each of these cases they do not swim against the water, but with it. They show their skill to read the waves and move like denizens of the sea rather than ones of the land.


Background: Battledancer


Eclipse Moth Silk