Eclipse Moth Silk

The eclipse moth is a giant moth of eastern Taluma. It is known to the elves of the land for the silk the larvae make for their cocoons. To most people, the material is tough to work with, but is strong. It is used for making silk rope, but rarely for fabric for clothes. The elves of Taluma alone know that the best way to harvest the silk of the eclipse moth is under a solar eclipse, hence its name. They watch the cycles of the sun and moon and will make a pilgrimage to the homes of eclipse moth silkworms to collect as much as they can during the eclipse. From this special silk they make extraordinary cloth that is not only soft and smooth, but it is durable and is naturally magical and can be enchanted with stronger magics than other fabric.

Item: Elven Moonsilk

The elves of Taluma craft clothing made from the the ritually gathered silk of the eclipse moth. Besides being used to make magical robes and other items, they make clothing known as Garments of Elven Moonsilk.

These items, usually a tunic or a dress, but sometimes a cloak, are innately magical to provide the wearer the effects of the Mage Armor spell.


Elves & Swimming


Grandyew Isle