Sub-Classes: Alternative ‘Monk’ Builds
Combining different species, classes, and backgrounds with proficiency and feat selection allows most people to make characters close to their original vision. But, sometimes, a character concept is original, or complex, and requires a unique look at character options to build it. There are often many ways to build characters with similar abilities, and finding the best option(s) to choose can be challenging, but challenging can be fun and rewarding. In the substitute classes (Sub-Classes) features we will look at ways to make different classes work in similar ways through combinations of backgrounds and class and subclass selections along with class feature and spell selection. These explorations won’t be to optimize them, but to develop interesting and unique characters with the abilities you want them to have. We will only provide example paths of up to 3rd level when you can get a subclass and recommendations of your first Feat you might get at 4 or 5 depending on multiclassing.
This time we will look at how to build unarmed, or lightly armed and unarmored, characters similar to the monk class. We already looked at two ways specific to dwarves and elves in the dwarf runeforger and elf battledancer, as examples of how different cultures might have their own martial arts tradition. These are creations for the Taluma setting, but can be used in any campaign. These are just two examples using backgrounds.
In the 2024 rules, there are more ways to gain monk-like abilities: to fight in close quarters without wearing armor or using martial weapons. Abilities that used to require a weapon now work with unarmed attacks such as a paladin’s smites and a barbarian’s rage damage. This is a big change that can allow classes other than monk to enhance the damage of unarmed attacks without needing a weapon. Combine this with the Origin Feat: Brawler and/or the Unarmed Fighting Style Feat which can make your Unarmed attacks equal to simple (Brawler) or even martial (Unarmed Fighting) weapons and the monk martial arts attacks. Spellcasters can use Touch spells or spells that require a save vs. a ranged attack so they aren’t at a disadvantage in melee combat.
But besides attacking without weapons, or with light weapons, monks can also avoid damage without wearing a armor through Unarmored Defense and later features. Other classes can do this as well. Barbarians have Unarmored Defense as well, with different abilities used for their Armor Class and also get Resistance to physical damage. Some casters can cast Mage Armor (Warlocks can do it at will with the Armor of Shadows Invocation) or Barkskin, as well as Shield as a reaction. Add spells like False Life and Absorb Elements and Armor of Agathys and you get ways to take damage if you can’t avoid it. Finding the way to get these abilities within a single class and subclass, or by multi-classing, is the trick. And always remember that a martial artist type background does not have to be unarmed, most also include weapons training, it just depends on your image for your character if you choose to wield one or not.
Here are a few concise recommendations for alternative martial artist builds:
Backgrounds & Origin Feats
Depending on your table and group, you may or may not be able to create Custom Backgrounds. First are recommendations of Origin Feats that are useful and relevant Backgrounds.
Tavern Brawler Origin Feat. Your build may or may not give you unarmed combat abilities, this can at least bump up your damage slightly and gives you the ability to push. (Get from Sailor background)
Alert Origin Feat. Higher Initiative is always good. (Get from Criminal, Guard)
Magic Initiate Origin Feat. Can give you spells that can enhance your physical abilities.
Acolyte (Cleric): Shield of Faith
Guide (Druid): Shillelagh (for a staff-wielding character), Thunderclap; Jump, Longstrider, Thunderwave
Sage (Wizard): Blade Ward, Chill Touch, Shocking Grasp., Thunderclap; Expeditious Retreat, False Life, Jump, Lomgstrider, Mage Armor, Shield, ThunderwaveTough Origin Feat. Extra hit points. (Get from Farmer)
Of course other Origin Feats can be useful as well such as Skilled (for more Proficiencies especially to take physical ones like Acrobatics and Athletics), Healer, and Lucky.
If you are not looking for a specific Origin Feat, these Backgrounds can help with flavor, or even the best Ability score selection:
Acolyte. For flavor of ascetic lifestyle. See Magic Initiate above. (Depending on class and Unarmored Defense Wisdom or Charisma might help with AC)
Artisan. For Strength and Dexterity bonuses.
Hermit. For flavor of living in a monastery. All three ability scores may help with Hit Points or Armor Class.
Scribe. Many martial arts traditions include calligraphy, also Dexterity is a great Ability Score for attacks and defense.
These are suggestions on routes to take for your class and subclass, including multi-class options which can really open up combination possibilities to achieve your goal.
These first ones are the most straightforward paths to build a non-monk martial artist:
Barbarian: Barbarians are already suited to unarmed combat with class features such as their version of Unarmored Defense and damage resistance plus features working with Unarmed as well as armed. Select Path of the Zealot subclass which can emulate in flavor being part of an ascetic tradition and adds Divine Fury damage to Unarmed Strikes and self healing from Warrior of the Gods.
(Take 1 level of Fighter to get a Fighting Style Feat to take Unarmed Fighting - plus Second Wind)Bard: Dance subclass. This is already a good alternative to monk for a martial artist with a different flavor to how/why they are good in Unarmed combat. It gives you Unarmored Defense and you get to use your Bardic Die for unarmed damage (which scales well).
Select spells like Blade Ward, Thunderclap, Heroism (on self), Longstrider, Thunderwave.
(Take 1 level of Warlock to get Pact of the Blade to use Charisma modifier for attacks vs. Dexterity, or Paladin to level 2 for Smite—see below)Fighter: The main drawback here will be lack of options to go unarmored but includes many ways to fight unarmed and increase mobility. Of course take Unarmed Fighting Feat. Battle Master subclass maneuvers include Evasive Footwork, Parry (it does not specify needing a weapon), Pushing Attack, Riposte, Sweeping Attack, Trip Attack. The Champion subclass Remarkable Athlete feature goes well here. Eldritch Knight give spells that can help with defense and mobility for an unarmored style (see Magic Initiate above for suggestions). Psi-warrior may look promising but most features require using a weapon.
(Not much need to mutliclass here other than to possibly get spells for Defense if you didn’t take an Origin or Eldtritch Knight to get them. Rogue can add mobility at level 2.)Paladin: Smite can be applied “immediately after hitting a target with… an Unarmed Strike”. Need we say more? Well, you can also take a Fighting Style at level 2: Unarmed Fighting obviously. Oath of Devotion and Glory don’t add much but seem the most in line with the flavor of a martial artist.
Select Spells like Heroism and Shield of Faith cast on yourself to help with defense.
(This might be a good class to only take 2 levels in for Smite and move onto another. Fighter is good, but this would combine great with a Dance Bard at level 5 since both use Charisma: Paladin 2/Bard 3)Rogue: A ninja- or similar covert martial artist can be built with this class. But this would be more for a weapon-wielding martial artist as most features require a weapon to be used (including Sneak Attack). There isn’t much here to go unarmed. Cunning Action and (at 5th) Cunning Strike and Uncanny Dodge give monk-like abilities. Arcane Trickster can give spells as already covered, Assassin is obvious and great for a ninja build, and Soul knife (unlike Fighter Psi-Warrior) does not require weapon use.
Warlock: Among the spellcasting classes, Warlock has the best features to be a proficient melee combatant using magic. There are many Eldritch Invocation options to not even have to use spell slots to enhance unarmored and unarmed abilities through magic including: Armor of Shadows, Fiendish Vigor, Lessons of the First Ones (for an extra Origin Feat to get Tavern Brawler or Tough), Otherworldly Leap, Pact of the Tome for extra cantrips. Pact of the Blade needs a weapon, it can be powerful if you are making a weapon-wielding martial artists. Archfey patron can provide mobility with Misty Step and Celestial patron adds healing.
Select Spells like: Blade Ward, Chill Touch, Thunderclap, and Armor of Agathys (see this full build below),
(Multi-class with Fighter or Paladin for Fighting Style, Paladin to level 2 for Smites if you want to be unarmed. This is another case where 2 levels can get you what you want and Sub-Classes at 3rd level won’t provide much.)
Note: If you get Fighting Style Feats of course Unarmed Fighting is an obvious choice. It would also be nice if Unarmed had a Mastery like weapons. This is a good option for a House Rule to give the option, maybe Push or Topple. Also, if you build a weapon-wielding martial artists True Strike is a good option if you have access to cantrips.
These are ways to mold other classes into martial artist characters that may not be as straightforward or effective as the ones above:
Cleric: Clerics of course can fit the ascetic monk flavor, cloistered in a monastery to meditate on philosophy and even get martial training. War Domain could have some advantages but you would almost for sure need to multi-class with Fighter for the Fighting Style Feat or another class that can provide unarmored/unarmed benefits as above.
Ranger: Ranger is a Fighting class that gets a Fighting Style (for Unarmed Fighting) at level 2 otherwise there’s not much here other than possibly spells as already described although their only ones really are Jump and Longstrider.
Druid, Sorcerer and Wizard (with the Free/PHB 2024 options) do not have viable options as a primary class other than spell selection. Taking one level in them to get cantrips and 1st level spells is an option. Wizard Abjurer can provide protection to someone who is unarmored but taking three levels is probably too much. Druids don’t get (the much better in 2024 rules) Barkskin until 2nd level spells or 3rd level. Getting Magic Initiate for Druid or Wizard spells can be a better option than spending a level in these classes.
These are recommended Feats to take as your first one that can help add martial artist flavor or abilities to enhance your combat prowess as well as great Ability Score increase options.
Athlete for enhanced movement (STR/DEX)
Charger for speed (STR/DEX)
Crusher since all unarmed attacks are Bludgeoning damage (STR/DEX)
Grappler to both Damage and Grapple (STR/DEX)
Polearm Master if you want to use a quarterstaff (STR/DEX)
Sentinel for Opportunity Attacks and speed reduction (STR/DEX)
Speedy for speed. Natch (DEX/CON)
Anija: A Cold-wielding Unarmed Warrior
Here is an example of a full build of an alternative martial artists type character up to level 4. Anija is a female dwarf, a Runeforger which already provides some flavor and abilities, but we will look at how to do a complete build of a martial artist, a melee-based unarmored and unarmed, without taking any monk levels.
I could have made her capable in melee without using magic through the barbarian or fighter or even paladin routes as described previously, and bard and rogue didn’t fit my image of her, but I wanted to explore her as a tundra dwarf using cold-themed magic abilities to be able to stand toe-to-to in combat and even be able to perform as a ‘tank’ so I went with Warlock. She is built to level 3 to get her subclass, but I will make recommendations for 4th level (and either multi-class or Feat options).
Using cold magic, Anija will benefit mostly from Armor of Agathys but will also be able to use offensive cold-based magic while in melee and not suffering from disadvantage from ranged spell attacks.
The Build
Ability Scores
Since this can vary on assignment (Array, rolling, etc.) and because we are not ‘optimizing’ no specifics here. Recommendations are Charisma (for class abilities), Dexterity (for AC), and Constitution (this build is aiming to be able to take a lot of hits).
Using Point Buy with Ability Score increases I chose this setup:
STR 12, DEX 13 (+1 Background), CON 14, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 14 (+2 Background)
for these final scores
STR 12, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 16
Origin Background/Feat
Anija uses our homebrew Runeforger, but instead you could select any of the ones above. Farmer to get Tough or Sage to get Magic Initiate:Wizard are good options. You won’t necessarily need Tavern Brawler as spells (cantrips) will most likely be used in melee, but there is a way to get it.
Anija is a Dwarf, but of course you can pick any species to make a similar build. Dwarf, however, gives her extra Hit Points from Dwarven Toughness.
Level 1: Warlock 1
Two things will make us enduring without wearing armor.
Eldritch Invocation: Mage Armor (better base AC [13] than most in any Light armor even)
Spells: Cantrips: Chill Touch and/or Frostbite, then pick your favorite if you choose only one. I did both for different effects. Chill Touch is a touch spell that will use your CHA to attack and blocks healing, Frostbite requires a Saving Throw and instills disadvantage. 1st Level: Armor of Agathys (the cornerstone of this build), and Hex or Protection from Evil and Good (offensive or defensive, respectively). I chose Protection.
Level 2: Warlock 2
Getting two more Eldritch Invocations is where this build really develops.
Eldritch Invocations: Fiendish Vigor (for False Life adding extra HP which also helps Armor of Agathys continue), Pact of the Tome (extra spells always helps a Warlock especially ones that don’t use spell slots.) I selected these spells: Cantrips: Blade Ward, Elementalism, and True Strike (in case need or want to wield a weapon). Rituals: Alarm, Unseen Servant. Instead of Pact of the Tome could take Lessons of the First Ones and get an Origin Feat you don’t already have (Tavern Brawler or Tough.)
Spells: 1st Level: Expeditious Retreat
Level 3: Warlock 3
None of the basic subclass options are great here for the concept, though Celestial’s healing could be nice. Anija is a hearthward, protecting her dwarven people’s forge, which is lit by an ‘elemental’ fire spiirit. This could be interpreted three ways: Archfey, Celestial, or even Fiend (fire abilities) depending on you spin the connection. As intriguing as Fiend is for the forge (maybe the dwarves imprisoned a fiery demon to power it), she is a cold-themed character. Celestial could add healing, but I went with Archfey as an interpretation of an elemental spirit.
Subclass: Archfey. Spells added: Calm Emotions, Faerie Fire, Misty Step, Phantasmal Force, Sleep. Steps of the Fey (Misty Step CHA modifier times per Long rest, can Refresh or Taunt)
Spells: Ray of Enfeeblement, replaced Protection from Evil and Good with Mirror Image.
Anija wears no armor, but has a decent AC and other defenses. She will mostly attack with cantrip spells but does carry a light hammer she can use in melee (or throw) using True Strike to make it more effective.
She has AC 15 (from Mage Armor) and 27 HP
At 3rd level a typical combat for Anija would look like this:
Bonus Action cast Armor of Agathys, Attack with Chill Touch or Frostbite (since you can only cast one leveled spell per turn: this is a cantrip and a 1st level spell)
Armor of Agathys will make her total HP 37! 27+10 temp and do 10 damage to anyone hitting her in melee as long as she has Temp HP and be able to replenish the Temp HP almost every turn. (A Barbarian with a 14-15 CON and the Tough Feat at 3rd level would have 38 HP)If needed use Action to cast False Life to add to on average 8 Temp HP to keep Armor of Agathys going.
Misty Step or Expeditious Retreat with Bonus Action as needed to get out of (or into) melee. Her Misty Step from her Archfey can give her 10 Temp HP (to refresh Armor of Agathys) or to Taunt an opponent to attack her instead of allies since she can take a lot of damage.
Continue to use preferred cantrip (Chill Touch, Frostbite, or even True Strike with her hammer) to attack
Can use remaining Pact spell slot for: Ray of Enfeeblement or Mirror Image or even Blade Ward for extra defense.
Since she is using cantrips for all her attacks, Anija is not optimized to be a damage dealer, but with Armor of Agathys and plenty of ways to refresh it’s Temp HP, she can be very hard to take down and can tack on automatic damage to anyone attacking her, which she can ensure using her Taunting Misty Step. Plus since she is using cantrips with side effects she can affect her opponents in other ways to help the party out like making them unable to be healed or be at disadvantage to attack.
Level 4+
Since Anija will use Charisma for her attacks and abilities, I would either just increase her CHA by 2, or take a Feat that adds +1 to Charisma such as: Elemental Adept (choose Cold to ignore resistance to it), Fey-Touched (because of her Fey fire spirit patron and en extra Misty Step) take Heroism as the spell (which would refresh Armor of Agathys every round), or War Caster for Concentration Advantage and spell Attacks of Opportunity. Depending on your Charisma score, if it is even and you take two of these three options by level 8 you will increase the Charisma modifier by +1.
I would also think about multi-classing with Paladin. Just two levels would add Unarmed Fighting Feat for better unarmed strikes without cantrips adding Smites to it as well as a few extra spell slots and utility. Since both Warlock and Paladin are Charisma based there is synergy with spells and other abilities, however, Unarmed Strikes would use Strength to attack versus her much higher Charisma for her cantrips. Her focus however is on defense rather than offense and Paladin would add Lay on Hands for self heals and Heroism if the Fey-Touched Feat is not taken.
However, I will likely stick with Warlock and take Fey-Touched at level 4 and War Caster at level 8 getting her Charisma to 18 and adding another free Misty Step, Heroism, Advantage on Concentration checks, and using spells for Attacks of Opportunity.