Urchin Burrows

Because of their small size, urchins are able to find space to make their homes in places the big folk can’t. They can inhabit attics, cellars, and other small spaces within and among other people’s homes and other buildings. Where many urchins live near to each other in an existing neighborhood or district, urchins call it a burrow.
A burrow operates like an extended family. All the urchins within a burrow treat each other like a large household. They share resources, celebrate milestones, mourn and raise children together as one.

Chassel River Burrow

In the middle of the Chassel River that flows through the city of Gaithewaite there is an island of ruined buildings. Formerly the site of warehouses, the buildings were destroyed during the Orcstrife. Urchins that lived in other areas destroyed on the outskirts of the city took refuge inside the city walls and found the island ruins as place to settle. The other people of the city allowed them to take the island and even helped them shore up and rebuild some of them. For maybe the first time ever, the urchins of Gaithewaite had their own property.


Ability Modifiers: Stealth


Urchin Rabbles