Bestiary: Dragons

Dragons are the most well known and one of the most feared monsters, but for as well-known as they are across all lands, still much is a mystery including their origins. They are generally considered primordial beings, born at the beginning of time - sometimes even being seen as the creators of the world.

The Dragons of Taluma

In the folklore of Taluma, dragons are direct offspring of Gwyven and a behemoth. Like Gwyven, Taluman dragons have the features of more than one beast, always reptilian with the features of another beast such as feathers, gills, or fur. They are like giant serpents and are some of the largest beings known to man—outside of behemoths—and can be as long as a town. In the land of Taluma, most dragons are evil, with malevolent ones far outnumbering more noble ones.

The most well-known dragons are the chromatic dragons, but they were not the first born. Other draconic beings, the elder dragons, existed as the first children of Gwyven, but little is known of them as most were destroyed in the battles at the dawn of time, or fled to the under or outer realms waiting for the call of Sezsezkya to join him when he rises to dominate the world once again. Nearly every chromatic dragon is the child of an elder dragon. The qualities and color of a chromatic dragon are tied more to their environment than their heritage.

Black - swamp
Blue - desert
Green - forest
Red - mountain
White - arctic

Chromatic dragons are known to ally with evil mortals, working together for sort periods of time; though usually one or both sides are using the other, waiting until their goals are completed to turn against their accomplice.

While metallic dragons are widely known, they are much less numerous than their chromatic counterparts. In fact, it is said that they once were chromatic dragons that the Caelestine exerted their influence on, changing them into the good-aligned, benevolent metallic versions. Their elemental breath weapon type remains consistent when a chromatic dragon is transmuted into a metallic dragon, correlating as below:

Black > Copper
Blue > Bronze
Red > Gold
White > Silver

Deep dragons are thought to be some of the oldest lineages of dragons of Taluma, elder dragons that followed Sezsezkya into his banishment in the under dark.


Bestiary: Chimaerae


Bestiary: Behemoths