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This season, we are focusing on smalfolk. Many worlds have their own smalfolk such as gnomes and halflings. The little people of Taluma are called urchins We will be detailing their culture and traditions. You will find entries on things like their locations, festivals, attire, and privisions.

Follow the urchin tag to read all the entries about them.

Rules Addenda Kevin Frank Rules Addenda Kevin Frank

Ability Modifiers: Stealth

In the Ability Modifiers feature, we will be exploring Ability checks: mostly Skills, and how to modify, or enhance, their usage in gameplay. This time, we will take a look at how following someone using Stealth can use an ability other than Dexterity.

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Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

Urchin Burrows

Because of their small size, urchins are able to find space to make their homes in places the big folk can’t. They can inhabit attics, cellars, and other small spaces within and among other people’s homes and other buildings. Where many urchins live near to each other in an existing neighborhood or district, urchins call it a burrow.

Read More about urchin burrows.

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Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

Urchin Rabbles

Urchins almost always gather in communities in large groups. They do not live alone in single family units on a farm, for example. Generally they live within larger communities of the big folk: usually among human towns and cities. A community of Urchins is called a rabble.

Read More about urchin rabbles.

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Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

New Feat: Shadowdancing

Some elven battledancers embrace the darkness that their patrons the moon and stars rule from.

Read More about shadowdancing available only to elf battledancers.

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Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

Background: Battledancer

The Way of the Sash is rooted in an ancient, sacred martial tradition that uses the movements of dance to be nimble and evasive combatants. Practitioners of this tradition are called battledancers. Battledancers are difficult to hit and outlast their opponents energy until they make themselves open to the battledancer’s attacks.

Read More about the Battledancer Background.

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Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

Elves & Swimming

The elves of Taluma, especially Moon elves, not only swim for fun, but compete against each other or just themselves and the sea. These are not usually speed competitions, but distance. Landmarks like an island may be swam to, or they take a ship out and swim back to land. They also hold swim dancing competitions judged on their artistry in the water. In each of these cases they do not swim against the water, but with it. They show their skill to read the waves and move like denizens of the sea rather than ones of the land.

Read More about elves and swimming.

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Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

Eclipse Moth Silk

The elves of Taluma craft clothing made from the the ritually gathered silk of the eclipse moth. Besides being used to make magical robes and other items, they make clothing known as Garments of Elven Moonsilk.

Read More about moonsilk from the giant eclipse moth.

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Lore Kevin Frank Lore Kevin Frank

Grandyew Isle

In the Maessus Ocean, off the shores of Lokkland, there lies an island with a single, gigantic yew tree. One of its enormous branches seems to be reaching back towards the land, and its roots cover the entire rock-covered island.

Read More about the Isle of the Grandyew.

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Kevin Frank Kevin Frank

New Feat: Way of the Sash

Elves are agile and graceful people who love music and dance. Their flowing movements are often enhanced using lengths of cloth including ribbons and scarves or cloaks that mimic the wind and wave they are connected to. Some elves learn to use these items of clothing in combat, becoming able to defend themselves without any weapon. This study is known as the Way of the Sash.

Read More about the Way of the Sash Feat.

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