The Elven People

Elves are a tall, slender and graceful people. They are identified by other people as artists and savants, mystics, and as pastoral people who are vain and aloof. They are generally slightly taller than men, though they are known to be between dwarves and men: either 6 to 7 or 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet tall. Their limbs are long and elegant, their faces thin and angular, and they have long, pointed ears. Their skin is smooth and usually pale, sometimes even translucent, and resembles porcelain though it is not unknown for an elf to have pale blue or green skin. Their eyes are large and either rounded like a animals, or almond-shaped, and are any light or dark shade of blue, green, or purple, sometimes even black. Elven hair can be any color though the hues are usually very pale or very dark versus a medium shade with peach, rose, and lavender being common hues. Their appearance is often both pleasing and eerie, much as fish and reptiles can be striking in a beautiful or frightening way. Elves more than any other reflect their temperament and personality in their appearance.

Elves live in seclusion in forests and meadows, almost exclusively near a spring, pond, or larger bodies of water. They can be found in caves with streams or springs, even caverns only entered through the waters, but usually prefer open areas such as along streams or near ponds and wells. They are skilled at using clay and mud not only for pottery but also to make buildings. They use many different materials such as woven branches or adobe bricks as the foundation, but almost as a rule finish the surface in stucco or clay with flowing natural designs. The buildings stay away from square shapes as much as possible. Elves are known to keep the company of swans and hounds; sometimes even more wild beasts like wolves and wildcats. The elves have never liked domesticating animals to use as mounts, they almost exclusively ask the permission of deer to let them ride when faster travel than their foot speed is needed but will ride a wild horse, or when among humans one of their domesticated horses.

The diet of the elves is simple but flavorful. They eat many foods raw, including fish. Though vegetarianism is not cultural dogma, many do adopt it. Like dwarves, they are not known to keep animals as livestock - that seems to be a human practice - only cooking and eating what they hunt. When they do cook, they usually boil or steam it rather than cooking over an open fire, often wrapping their food in leaves or herb bundles to maintain the moisture and nutrients within the food. They are proponents of the properties of water plants and use seaweed in many dishes. Their favorite food of all seems to be fruits. Elves are also fond of wine and other fruit-originated alcohols of which they are incomparable. They above all other races eat flowers, often as garnishes for other foods, and use them and other herbs for teas. They make traditional grape wine but are perhaps better known for their berry wines and are fond of herbal teas. They keep bees and use their honey and beeswax for many products.

Elves are first and foremost known as artists and mystics, applying their knack for producing beauty to crafts practical, artistic, and mystical, really to any pursuit of work and play. Tied to soil and dirt, elves are masters of pottery and ceramics and are fond of small and large scale sculpture and also the gems and jewels of Air-king. The general style of all elvish decorative arts is characterized by highly-stylized, flowing curvilinear forms that mimic the movement of water and representations of the phases of the moon in circles and crescents. The flowing motifs, formed by dynamic, undulating, and rippling lines in a syncopated rhythm, can be found throughout elvish architecture, crafts, and fashion. The elvish philosophy of the arts is an approach to their entire lives according to which they should work on making art part of everyday life. Outside of their artistic talents, perhaps elves' greatest skill in industry is in working with plants. They never farm as humans do, but they are excellent managers of naturally growing plants and are proficient gatherers, knowing just when and how to harvest to optimize the natural capacity to continue production, especially fruits and vegetables. Elven herbalists and apothecaries are sought out by all people for their various remedies.

Despite their charms, elves are fierce warriors when battle is necessary and when wronged against, they will hunt down and defeat any man or people that defies them or breaks their word. When elves go to battle it is said they are preceded by the sound of waves crashing on the shore. They ride on horses or deer to war. Though they are commonly associated with bows, and are unmatched archers who read and use the wind in their shots, elves prefer fighting up close where they can sense the ebb and flow of the battle and energy of each side, and are known as master swordsmen.

Elves generally have animistic beliefs, worshiping all of nature, believing that there is  an energy or consciousness connecting all living things, and that even inanimate objects have a spirit. The universal energy, and the spirits, may be personified in another form such as the planet, a landmark, a mystical animal form, or a sacred tree. They will honor the gods, but see them as elevated spirits, not necessarily some higher form, more as patrons of their people than as omniscient beings. Their holy people are more likely to teach devotion to all of nature, rather than devotion to individual deities. Reverence for and protection of the ecology - local and global - including the land and the animals and even plants within it, is of import to most elves. They have a great understanding of the magical and medical properties of plants, especially herbs (herbalism). They also have a connection to crystals and gems which they can instill with magical power and place in rings, amulets, even placed in weapons to enhance their properties.

Moon Elves

Just like the moon itself for which they are named, moon elves can be seen at night but also during the day. They are crepuscular people who prefer twilight, nights under bright moons, and also overcast days: they do not like glaring light nor utter darkness. These are the elves typically encountered by other people, and most of the previous information relates to them.

They are especially drawn to the sea where the tides are controlled by their patron Moon-Queen Luna, building their communities on the coasts. If they are not near a sea, they are still usually found near a body of water such as a river or lake. They are passionate people, and their reverence for nature and the cycles of the cosmos make them more reverent than their star kin.

They favor the longsword which they can wield one or two handed, or using two bladed weapons. They are fluid and graceful in battle, moving like water around objects but with the power to push them.

Moon Elf Character Creation

If you are making a moon elf of Taluma in 5e, use Custom Lineage with these recommendations on choices (ignore racial requirements for Feats so you can pick elven ones if need be) for a typical one, of course feel free to select other choices depending on your character concept.
Size: M
+2 Ability: Wisdom, Dexterity, Charisma
Recommended Feats: Defensive Duelist, Dual Wielder, Elven Accuracy, Fighting Initiate (Dueling, Two-Weapon Fighting), Magic Initiate (Cleric, Druid), Metamagic Adept, Mobile, Observant, Ritual Caster, Sharpshooter, Skill Expert or Skilled
Variable Trait: Proficiency
Recommended Backgrounds: Acolyte, Fisher, Marine

Star Elves

Like the celestial bodies they are named after, star elves are typically seen only at night. Like Stel’s shattered star which became the uncountable stars, they are singular and scattered. They are frequently itinerant versus settled people, traveling the world individually or in groups, with many following migration patterns not unlike birds and other animals. They travel the seas and oceans or deep into the darkest hearts of the great forests. They love exploring the mysteries of the world.

They honor Star-King Stel whose constellations guide them on their journeys especially at sea where his winds also propel their ships. Among them are the wisest oracles, reading signs to foretell events both in the near and far future. They are weavers of enchantment both innate and formulaic. They are the most musical of people with exceptional voices for singing and a natural talent with instruments. This musical talent also manifests in magical effects through their song.

Star elves are especially proficient with bows, using their natural connection to the wind to enhance their shots. They also are known for using raptors and owls for hunting and in battle. They move quickly, like the wind, and strike quicker.

Star Elf Character Creation

If you are making a star elf of Taluma in 5e, use Custom Lineage with these recommendations on choices (ignore racial requirements for Feats so you can pick elven ones if need be) for a typical one, of course feel free to select other choices depending on your character concept.
Size: M
+2 Ability: Charisma, Intelligence, Dexterity
Recommended Feats: Alert, Dual Wielder, Elven Accuracy, Fighting Initiate (Blind-Fighting, Archery), Keen Mind, Magic Initiate (Bard, Sorcerer), Mobile, Observant, Shadow Touched, Sharp Shooter, Skill Expert or Skilled, Skulker, Wood Elf Magic
Variable Trait: Darkvision
Recommended Backgrounds: Entertainer, Far Traveler, Hermit, Outlander, Sailor